March 31, 2020


Anthony ColonnettaMy Focus

The purpose of this website is to document my real estate journey, show investors what potential deals we are looking at, and provide resources to better understand commercial real estate.

Warren Buffett once said, “When people tell me they’ve learned from experience, I tell them the trick is to learn from other people’s experience.” My Real Estate Journey section is designed for me to document my journey so people can learn from my experiences.

The Real Estate Deals section is designed to show people our deal criteria and how to build an investment package. It is also designed to show potential investors what kind of deals they would be investing in.

Blog posts, weekly podcast recommendations, and any other resources provided are designed to help students or potential investors of real estate better understand the process.

My Journey

When I was around 17 years old, I was recommended to read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. The book took everything I knew about working, investing, and life and turned it on its head. This is where I first developed a curiosity for real estate. I would then learn the ropes of residential real estate investing and property management. While I was learning about residential real estate investing, I found a service that most people hate doing – pressure washing.

I created a pressure washing business and throughout the 4-year span, I pressure washed over 75 residential/commercial properties. I was exposed to the concepts of marketing, budgeting, etc. However, the most important concept I gained was the importance of client relationships and client satisfaction.

I eventually went to Texas A&M University to receive a bachelor’s in Economics.  I furthered my real estate career by becoming a Summer Analyst for Hilltop Residential, a multifamily real estate investing company. I focused on the acquisition and asset management of multifamily properties across the state of Texas. The next year I became a Summer Analyst for Hines. I focused on investment management and acquisitions of multifamily, industrial, office, retail assets across the United States and Europe.

What I’m Currently Doing

I am currently connecting with real estate professionals to increase my network, but more importantly, I am learning from their experiences. I am looking for real estate deals that match our deal criteria and underwriting those deals. I am sharpening my real estate skills through Excel, books, podcasts, and courses. If I am not doing anything I just listed, I am probably with friends and family or trying to improve my golf game.